Which One is Right for You?
The FDA and the EPA are responsible for drinking water safety. EPA regulates public drinking water (tap water). In contrast, the FDA regulates bottled drinking water, including spring water and purified water. Under its food safety program, the FDA monitors and inspects bottled water products and processing plants. FDA inspects plants to ensure that the plant’s product water and operational water supply are obtained from an approved source; inspects washing and sanitizing procedures; inspects bottling operations, and verifies that the company tests its source water and product water for contaminants prior to bottling making sure that the bottled water you bring home is safe.
Nowadays, many people are adopting a healthy lifestyle and thinking about making a change in their lives, and one of the decisions they face is which type of water to drink. If you want to be healthier, drink more water! But what kind? You’ll find that there are many types out in the market. And, of course, everyone has their own opinion on which is the best one, each has its unique benefits which make them worth considering for your daily intake routine. But when it comes to spring water vs. purified water, which one should you choose? And which one is right for sensitive uses such as CPAP, biPAP or baby formula?
Shop at Aquapap today and get pure, safe vapor distilled water for your most critical water needs.
Spring water has been a popular choice for many years, but purified water including distilled water is gaining popularity because of its simplicity, safety, and quality. Let’s explore these two options together to decide precisely on the right choice based on all available information.
What is Spring Water?

Bottled spring water is a popular choice. It is harvested from groundwater, which lies underground in an aquifer at or below the earth’s natural water table. A natural flow of water collects at the surface of the ground at the advent of spring. Water can also be collected directly from a borehole. As it has been filtered by limestone, sandstone, and clay, this water is generally considered pre-purified. As soon as it’s collected, it’s sampled and analyzed to ensure it meets FDA and EPA standards. Finally, it’s packaged and sold.
What is Purified Water?

Purified water is mechanically filtered or processed to remove impurities like bacteria, viruses, chemical pollutants, and minerals like lead and copper. In most developed countries, including the United States and Canada, tap water is purified to ensure it’s safe for consumption. Water purification methods include coagulation & flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, disinfection, reverse osmosis, distillation, deionization, ozonation, and absolute 1-micron filtration.
In distilled water, water is vaporized and condensed during a distillation process. Minerals and impurities are left behind when water evaporates and rises into the air as pure water vapor. Re-condensing water vapor using the right tools can produce clean drinking water or distilled water. Therefore, distilled water is the purest form of water and is free from contamination, chemicals, and microbes. Watch out for “purified water” that may simply be filtered tap water. When it comes to using water for sensitive purposes like your CPAP machine, make sure it’s distilled and not just “purified.”
Spring Water vs. Purified Water: The Better Choice!
It is perfectly safe to drink purified water since it contains no harmful chemicals, pathogens, or contaminants that may otherwise pose a health risk to you or your family. Plants prefer purified distilled water over mineral water due to its purity and lack of hard water minerals which block water absorption. As the purification process does not involve metal filters or components, chemical treatments, or additives, distilled water has a very neutral taste.
Distilled water is a form of purified water. Distilled water can be described as the most basic water can be: pure, clean, and hydrating. Distilled water has a neutral pH. Therefore, it will help maintain the human body’s pH balance. As it is free from all types of contamination and microbes, it can be used to mix in baby formulas and to fill your CPAP machine humidifier.
Vapor Distilled Water: The Safest Type and a Better Choice
We know that purified water is a better option out of the two, spring water vs. purified water, and amongst different types of purified water, distilled water is the best and safest option. Vapor distilled water by Aquapap comes in various sizes, making them travel-friendly and easy to use. Using a gallon jug of distilled water over a number of days increases the chances of water getting contaminated and allows bacteria to grow. With our vapor distilled water coming in different sizes, you won’t run that contamination risk; just open a small-sized sealed bottle and bottoms up!
Now, when someone asks you to choose between the two; spring water vs. purified water, you might want to go with purified vapor distilled water instead, especially for your CPAP humidifier or other sensitive medical equipment. Vapor distilled water is a safer and healthier option compared to spring water.