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Distilled Water Shortage: The Problem and the Solution

Water is essential for life and we depend on it for drinking, cooking, cleaning, and bathing. However, not all water is equal. Distilled water, which is made by boiling water and collecting steam, is ideal for people with medical conditions or those who want to avoid chemical additives found in tap water. Unfortunately, the US is experiencing a shortage of distilled water.

The reasons for this shortage are varied, but they include increased demand due to the coronavirus pandemic as well as production disruptions caused by severe weather and hurricanes in the southeastern United States. As a result, many consumers are scrambling to find alternative sources of distilled water. The good news is that Aquapap has bottled vapor distilled water readily available amidst this distilled water shortage that stores are experiencing. There are other options too, like making your own distilled water at home. But with Aquapap, you can enjoy pure, clean water without having to worry about the shortage affecting grocery stores or hassling with making your own distilled water (and then worrying about keeping it pure and clean).

There’s no shortage of distilled water at Aquapap. Keep your supply full with vapor distilled water delivered directly to your doorstep. Shop now.

Why is there a shortage of distilled water?

Everywhere you look these days, there’s a different news story about a shortage of some essential item or other. From toilet paper to hand sanitizer, it seems like nothing is safe from the effects of the pandemic. One shortage that you may have heard about is the ongoing shortage of distilled water.

Distilled water is an essential component in many industries, from pharmaceuticals to electronics. And while the shortages have been going on for a few years now, they’ve been exacerbated by the pandemic. That’s because many of the factories that produce distilled water have been forced to shut down due to labor shortages, and those that are still operational are struggling to keep up with the high demand. This means that consumers are starting to find empty shelves in the water section of grocery stores and large chain retail stores like Walmart or Target when they go to buy distilled water.

According to a story from KSL news in Utah, residents of Utah are scrambling to find distilled water after noticing many local grocery stores are constantly out of stock, and some stores have a policy that limits how much a customer can purchase. Many people use distilled water for specific medical purposes, like CPAP or BiPAP machines, baby formula, humidifiers, and neti pots. The distillation process removes impurities from water, making it safe to be used for these sensitive purposes. However, the sudden demand for distilled water has left many residents of Utah without access to this essential product. KSL news reported that a Utah couple went into a grocery store and walked right back out due to the unavailability of distilled water, even after checking many other stores for a fresh supply.

As reported on KSL news in Utah, like other states, Utah is currently facing a distilled water shortage. This is due to several factors, including plastic bottle shortages, labor shortages, and a slowdown in the supply chain. The high demand for distilled water has also contributed to the shortage. Utah residents are being encouraged to conserve water during this time of crisis. One way to do this is to reuse plastic bottled water containers. If you must purchase bottled water, please recycle the bottles when you are finished. Utah’s distilled water shortage is a serious issue, but it is one that Aquapap can help solve.

Distilled water shortage

Some users are even resorting to making their own distilled water at home. While this may be a viable option for some, it is hardly an ideal solution for everyone. Fortunately, with Aquapap by your side, you don’t have to worry about a distilled water shortage in Utah or anywhere else; everyone can have access to it whenever and wherever they need it. Even better, it gets delivered to your doorstep.

There are some steps that you can take to ensure that you always have access to distilled water without having to take the risk of hoping your local grocery store has it in stock.  Aquapap is not experiencing a distilled water shortage and we offer subscription options of affordable bottled vapor distilled water with timely delivery.

Don’t take your chances with the grocery store or a DIY project. Find pure, safe vapor distilled water at Aquapap today.

Update 2023: The Latest on Our Water Shortage Situation

In 2023, the story around our water shortage has changed a lot. Here’s what’s been happening:

First, the good news: We’ve come up with cool new ways to add water back into the ground. This helps because we were taking too much water out and it was running low. Plus, many cities have set up systems to collect rainwater and clean it. This helps because we don’t have to rely so much on our usual sources of water.

However, the weather has been acting strange this year. Some places faced really dry spells, while others had way too much rain. Less rain means less water for us. But too much rain at once can ruin the clean water we have.

Governments around the world have been stepping up. They’re making new rules to use water wisely. Some countries are even working together, promising to share and take care of the water that flows between their borders.

On the business side, there are now small companies that make and sell clean water locally. This has helped a lot in areas where water was super scarce. And guess what? Some fancy water brands are selling special distilled water for people willing to pay more.

People have also become more careful. There are campaigns and online sites teaching us the importance of not wasting water. The message is clear: we should all use water smartly.

The year has also seen the rise of new technology in water conservation. Scientists and researchers have introduced gadgets that help farmers use less water on their crops. These gadgets measure how dry the soil is and only turn on the water when the crops really need it. This way, fields don’t get too much or too little water, which helps save a lot of it in the long run.

Schools have joined in too. Across the globe, students are learning about the water shortage. They’re studying how it affects their hometowns and even far-off places. It’s not just in textbooks either. Many schools now have special clubs where kids work on projects to save water in their communities. They’re coming up with fun ideas, like hosting water-saving challenges and making videos to share on social media.

Speaking of communities, many towns and cities have changed how they look after their local lakes and rivers. Cleaning up these water bodies has become a top priority. Why? Because the cleaner they are, the easier it is to treat and use that water. Many places have even started hosting “Clean-Up Days.” On these days, residents gather to remove trash and other pollutants from their local water sources. It’s a team effort!

Now, let’s talk about homes. You remember those old toilets and washing machines that used a ton of water? They’re slowly becoming a thing of the past. Manufacturers are making newer models that use a lot less water. And guess what? People are loving them! Not only do they help save the planet, but they also cut down on water bills.

In many places, there’s been a shift in landscaping too. Instead of having grass lawns which need a lot of watering, many homeowners are going for “drought-tolerant” gardens. These gardens have plants that don’t need much water to thrive. They look pretty and help save water — it’s a win-win!

The global community hasn’t been sitting quiet either. International conferences about water have taken place this year. Leaders from different countries come together to discuss and plan. They share ideas on how to deal with water scarcity. And they make agreements to help each other out.

But it’s not all smooth sailing. Some areas, especially in poorer parts of the world, still struggle to find enough clean water. For these places, finding a solution is urgent. Charities and global organizations are doing their best to help. They’re setting up systems to purify dirty water and make it drinkable. They’re also teaching locals how to collect and store rainwater safely.

What’s interesting is that a lot of the change this year has come from regular people, not just big companies or governments. Folks are realizing that every drop counts. Simple acts, like turning off the tap while brushing teeth or fixing leaky pipes, are making a big difference.

Finally, there’s been a push for more research. Scientists are constantly searching for newer and better ways to save water. They’re studying how nature deals with drought and trying to copy its methods. There’s hope that in the near future, we might have even more effective tools and techniques to fight water shortage.

In short, 2023 has been a year of action. It’s been a year of people coming together and making changes, big and small. Water is life, and it’s clear that we all have a part to play in preserving it.

Where can you find distilled water?

Many of us take access to clean water for granted. But unless you have the ability to make your own distilled water, you’ve been at the mercy of the grocery store’s unreliable supply. However, with the current distilled water shortage being seen in stores across the country, the best deal is to order bottled vapor distilled water from Aquapap where there is no shortage happening. These bottles come in different sizes, so you can use them as much or as little as you need without leftovers in open jugs sitting around, risking becoming contaminated.

If you’re using distilled water for any medical application or with any appliance or machine, it’s important to note that you should not buy distilled water with electrolyte minerals, and making distilled water at home gives no guarantee that your water is pure and free of minerals. These added minerals can build up on your equipment and clog it, potentially voiding your warranty in the process. So be sure to check the labels carefully before making a purchase from grocery stores. Aquapap is always pure vapor distilled water so you can use it with confidence.

Aquapap knows that whether you’re at home or on the go, the last thing you want to worry about is whether or not you have enough clean water to drink or to use in your CPAP machine. That’s why we’ve made it our mission to provide easy access to pure, vapor distilled water anytime, anywhere. With our subscription service, you can choose how often you want your bottled water delivered, and we’ll make sure it arrives in a high-quality, BPA-free bottle that won’t break or leak in transit. Plus, our bottles protect your clean water against harmful UV rays, so you can rest assured that you’re always getting the highest quality product.

The benefits of choosing Aquapap

Your health is the most important thing in your life. Nothing should be taken for granted when it comes to your health. This includes clean water. It is not only essential to our survival, but it is also crucial to meet our sensitive medical needs. To avoid contamination, ensure the water you use is always pure and contaminant-free. The vapor distilled water Aquapap provides is the cleanest and purest bottled water, safe for use in your medical equipment and to consume. Our process of distillation removes all impurities, leaving behind only pure water. With Aquapap’s vapor distilled water, you can be sure that you are using the purest form of water possible for your medical needs and for drinking.

The purpose of Aquapap is to provide convenient, clean, single-serving bottled water. The use of vapor distilled water in sensitive medical equipment and machines makes it highly desirable. However, it’s become hard to find enough distilled water, and small sized bottled water is nearly impossible to find in stores. Stores tend to carry only gallon-sized jugs, which seems like a good idea until you consider cross contamination after opening. After just 48 hours, an opened bottle of distilled water is not suitable for use due to the possibility of bacteria growth due to exposure to the air. Consequently, gallon-size jugs are inconvenient and potentially unsafe to use unless your household genuinely uses a whole gallon at a time. At Aquapap, we understand that there is rarely a one-size-fits-all solution.  That’s why we offer three different single-serving sizes: 8 oz, 12 oz, and 16.9 oz – options you’ll never find at the grocery store.

CPAP users deserve easy access to safe, clean water at all times, and we understand the importance of single serving size vapor distilled water. Our team is comprised of professionals who are committed to providing you with the best possible experience and highest quality. Here is how we deliver on our commitment.

Your essential CPAP companion

It is of utmost importance to secure a restful and rejuvenating sleep, and your CPAP machine plays a significant role in enabling that. Nevertheless, procuring unpolluted distilled water for your device can be a daunting task, particularly when you’re on the move. Aquapap, on the other hand, offers a dependable solution, furnishing consistently pure water for both domestic and travel purposes.

Get vapor distilled water anywhere

As a traveler, one of the most challenging things you’ll encounter is finding clean and safe water. The quality of water varies from one place to another, and drinking contaminated water can ruin your trip. However, there’s a solution – Aquapap vapor distilled water. This water brand has been designed to meet the needs of travelers who are always on the go. Aquapap uses a unique process of vapor distillation, which guarantees that the water is free of impurities. The water is then packaged in a BPA-free, durable bottle that blocks harmful UV rays, ensuring that the water remains fresh and safe for consumption. One of the best things about Aquapap is that it’s TSA-friendly, meaning that you can carry it with you on your travels without any problems. You don’t have to worry about the bottle being confiscated at the airport security checkpoint. Additionally, Aquapap offers a delivery service to your destination hotel, making it even easier for you to access clean water wherever you are. Another advantage of Aquapap is that you can sign up for a subscription service, ensuring that you never run out of water. This is particularly useful if you’re going on an extended trip or if you’re traveling with a group of people. You can have peace of mind knowing that you’ll always have access to clean water. Overall, Aquapap is a great solution for travelers who want to ensure that they have access to clean, safe, and fresh water wherever they go. With its unique vapor distillation process, durable packaging, and delivery service, Aquapap is a must-have for any traveler.

Whether at home or on the go, taking control of your distilled water supply is one click away. Shop now!

What to do when you run out of distilled water

If demand for distilled water is high in your area, regardless of whether or not it’s made the news, grocery store stock will probably start running low. This means your personal stock could be in jeopardy.

If you’re currently out of distilled water, you can make distilled water until your Aquapap shipment arrives. If you use distilled water regularly, it’s important to know how to make it yourself anyway in the event of an emergency. You’ll need two pots, a stove, water, and time. You probably already have everything you need in your kitchen. You’ll need a large covered pot with a lid, a smaller pot without a lid, some ice, water, and lastly, oven mitts to prevent burns.

Before beginning, please verify that you have all the necessary equipment. Now, pour your desired quantity of tap water into the large pot and place it over stovetop heat. Place the smaller pot inside the large pot; this is essential for ensuring an even distribution of heat. Once the smaller pot is in place, weigh it down with a sterilized weight so that it stays in constant contact with the water from the large pot. It is imperative that airflow is provided in the larger pot to move the water vapor around. Don’t forget to allow enough space, especially around the edges and between the top of the larger pot. Note: If you do not have a lid for your large pot, you can fashion one out of tin foil.

You should then adjust the burner’s heat to somewhere between medium and medium-high. Keep the temperature between 175-200° instead of bringing the water to a full boil; excessively high temperatures will not give you better results and will only make handling kitchen equipment more difficult.

After turning on the heat source, position the big pot with its lid facing upside down. When the lid is flipped, the water that already evaporated and condensed will fall into the smaller pot due to the middle of the lid being higher than the borders.

After you’ve completed all of this, take some ice and fill the top of the inverted lid with it. Since both sides of the lid have different temperatures, the condensation process will be sped up, making the addition of ice important if you don’t want it to take all day.  Keep a close eye on your production to ensure the pot doesn’t boil dry and risk re-contaminating your water. You’ll also want to keep an eye on your ice. You can replenish the ice as often as needed as it melts. Be careful when pouring out the melted ice, as all the water dripping into the smaller pot is distilled and you don’t want to contaminate it, even if your ice was made from distilled water.

It is advisable to plan ahead and anticipate stock shortages to avoid any potential inconvenience. It is best not to wait for news and take proactive measures to ensure you have what you need.

Congratulations! You’ve just made distilled water at home, and now you know why most users prefer to buy it bottled!

When it comes to your safety, don’t take a chance by using homemade distilled water in a CPAP. Shop with Aquapap and use pure vapor distilled water instead.

Who needs distilled water?

While most people can get by without distilled water, there are certain groups who need to use it on a regular basis. For example, patients who have kidney problems may need to use distilled water for dialysis. Additionally, many hospitals use distilled water in their boilers, as it helps to prevent the build-up of mineral deposits. Newborns in incubators are also typically given formula made with distilled water, as it lowers the risk of infection. Finally, some people use distilled water for fish tanks or car batteries, or for steam therapy, as the lack of minerals helps to extend the life of these items. While not everyone needs to use distilled water, it is an essential part of life for some people.

All healthcare professionals

Distilled water is used in the health care industry for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, distilled water is incredibly sterile and clean. This is due to the fact that all impurities, including bacteria and viruses, are removed during the distillation process. As a result, distilled water is an excellent choice for sterilizing surgical instruments and other medical equipment. Additionally, distilled water is often used by dentists to rinse out patients’ mouths during cleanings and procedures. This helps to prevent the spread of infection and ensures that patients receive the highest level of care possible. By using distilled water, health care providers can be confident that their patients will be safe from any dangerous bacterial infections.

CPAP users

Sleep apnea is a serious condition that can have profound effects on a person’s health and well-being. One of the most common treatments for sleep apnea is the use of a CPAP machine, which helps to regulate breathing during sleep. However, CPAP machine humidifiers require distilled water in order to function properly as tap water can damage the equipment. This is because if tap water is used it can deposit layers of minerals inside the humidifier, which can render the machine useless for sleep apnea patients. There is no other viable option than using distilled water to keep your CPAP machine up and running flawlessly. Distilled water contains no minerals and will not leave any harmful deposits inside the machine. In addition, distilled water ensures that no harmful chemicals will build up inside the tub of your CPAP machine. Sleep apnea can be a difficult condition to manage, but using distilled water in your CPAP machine is an important step in ensuring that it runs smoothly.

Parents making baby formula

Any parent will tell you that their baby’s health is always their top priority. Babies under six months old are particularly vulnerable to infections because their immunity is still developing. That’s why it’s so important to make sure they have access to clean, pure water like Aquapap’s vapor distilled water. Not only is it free of impurities and bacteria, but it comes in handy, convenient bottles. You can simply drop a bottle or two in your diaper bag and go. So when you’re out and about with your baby, you can simply grab a bottle from your diaper bag and know that you have all the clean water you need to prepare formula.


Distilled water is a highly purified form of water that is free from any dissolved minerals and other impurities. It is created by a process of distillation, which involves boiling water and then collecting the steam that is produced. This steam is then condensed back into liquid form, resulting in a pure and clean water that is free from any impurities.The use of distilled water is particularly important in laboratories and other applications where the presence of ions and other substances can interfere with experiments or other processes. In medical procedures, distilled water is often used as a sterile solution for wound cleaning or other applications where cleanliness is critical.In industrial applications, distilled water is used for a variety of purposes, including in the production of pharmaceuticals, electronics, and other high-tech products. It is also used in the production of food and beverages, where the purity of the water is essential for maintaining high levels of quality and safety.Overall, distilled water plays a critical role in many different fields and applications, and its importance cannot be overstated. Whether you are working in a laboratory, a hospital, or an industrial facility, the use of distilled water can help ensure that your work is accurate, safe, and effective.

Families who drink distilled water

In these modern times, it is more important than ever to be aware of what goes into our bodies. We are more reliant on technology than ever before, and as a result, we are also more exposed to harmful toxins and pollutants. The food we eat may be grown with pesticides and other chemicals, the air we breathe is polluted, and even the water we drink is often contaminated. That’s why so many families choose to drink distilled water. By drinking distilled water, they can be sure that they are getting pure and clean water that does not contain any harmful toxins or contaminants.

Hydroponic produce growers

For hydroponics, distilled water has obvious advantages. When plants are grown using distilled water, they are only exposed to the nutrients the grower has added, not chemicals or contaminants found in tap water. It also means that contaminants such as arsenic and lead found in some water supplies, as well as chlorine added to treat water, won’t interfere with plant growth. Due to its neutral pH of 7, and the lack of total dissolved solids, distilled water is safe to use. In addition, minerals in tap water can build up on equipment, making it unusable or reducing its life expectancy. For example, many hydroponic growers recycle water, so as it goes through each system there is an accumulation of salt and other minerals. This can clog emitters and reduce the overall efficiency of a system. Using distilled water eliminates this problem and allows for easier maintenance and longer equipment lifespan.

Commercial natural and organic product manufacturers

You might not think twice about the type of water you use to wash your hair or take a shower. However, the quality of water can actually have a significant impact on the health of your skin and hair. That’s why many all-natural and organic product manufacturers use distilled water as the base for their products. Distilled water is free of impurities, including minerals, chemicals, and pollutants. As a result, it’s gentle on skin and hair, and it can even help to improve the condition of damaged hair. In addition, distilled water is an effective cleanser, and it won’t leave behind any residue that could clog pores or irritate sensitive skin. If you’re looking for a gentle and effective way to cleanse your skin and hair, opting for different products that contain distilled water is a great choice.

With a distilled water shortage in stores, having enough on hand can be challenging. Shop with Aquapap and say goodbye to shortage problems.

Is drinking distilled water safe?

When it comes to purity, distilled water is the purest form of water one could get, and therefore, many people prefer drinking distilled water over others. On the other hand, some wonder if distilled water is safe to drink or not. The answer is yes. Distilled water is safe to drink, but there are a few things to keep in mind.

pH of distilled water

The pH of distilled water is 7, which is neutral in nature and safe to drink. pH levels below 7 are acidic, and pH levels above 7 are basic. Distilled water, however, becomes acidic when exposed to atmospheric carbon dioxide for hours. For this reason, we have vapor distilled water bottles in 8, 12, and 16.9 ounce sizes. With these conveniently sized and easy to finish bottled water options, you won’t have to worry about your distilled water gallon jugs becoming acidic. Simply open the smaller bottle and drink it all at once.

Mineral content

Many people believe that distilled water shouldn’t be consumed because it lacks minerals. Water is distilled to remove hardness, inorganic substances like lead and nitrate, and minerals as well. In addition to killing harmful microorganisms, the process also makes water safe to drink. Healthy foods and natural sea salt contain the minerals our bodies need. Therefore, eating healthy fruits and veggies will make up for most of the minerals that your body requires. So, get your vapor distilled water bottle. You can be sure that you are consuming some of the purest water available on the market when you drink Aquapap. Not only can you trust that our product is safe to consume, but you can also trust that it will help you to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Adapting to the taste

When you first drink distilled water, you may notice a difference in taste. This is because our taste buds become accustomed to the fluoride, chlorine, iron, and other chemicals and minerals found in tap water. However, many people find that distilled water is more thirst-quenching than tap water. This is because the distillation process removes all impurities from the water, leaving behind only pure H2O. When you first drink distilled water, your taste buds may not be used to the lack of chemicals and it may taste a bit bland. However, after a short period of time, you will likely find that distilled water is more refreshing and thirst-quenching than tap water.

Boiling water vs. distilled water

Water in both its liquid and gas states can be boiled as well as distilled, but they are two different products that should be handled differently. Essentially, distilled water is the purest form of purified water without microorganisms, and it is used for various purposes, including industrial processes. It is not possible to use boiled water where high levels of water purity are required because it does not have the same purity as distilled water. Boiled water is suitable for making tea or cooking pasta. It is possible to use boiling water as a means of sanitation. While it is pure enough for drinking and sanitation, it is not pure enough to be of use in humidifiers and other important industrial purposes because it contains unwanted minerals. Nevertheless, both boiling and distilling are two effective processes that can help to make water safer for human consumption.

When it comes to choosing between the two methods, it is important to consider the intended purpose of the water. If you need purified water for a specific purpose, such as in an industry, then distilled water is the better option. However, if you simply need to purify water for drinking or sanitation purposes, then boiled water may suffice, but it depends on why and how the water became contaminated. Certain kinds of contaminated water are still not safe to drink even after being boiled. In either case, it is always best to consult with a professional before using either method to purify your water. Distilled water is water that has been boiled past its boiling point until it evaporates and then condensed back into its liquid form. This process gets rid of any bacteria or microorganisms that might be present in the water, making it ideal for drinking as well.

Does boiling water make it distilled?

Many think that having boiled water will make it distilled, but this isn’t the case. Boiled water removes some impurities by turning them into vapor and killing some bacteria or viruses with heat, but it doesn’t remove all of the minerals and other contaminants that can be found in water. In order to create distilled water, the water must be boiled and then the vapors condensed back into a liquid form. This process removes not only impurities but also minerals that can be found in water. As a result, distilled water is often used in scientific experiments and medical procedures because it provides a pure source of water. The best way to ensure that your water is completely pure is to purchase distilled water from a reputable source such as Aquapap.

What is the difference between boiling water and distilled water?

Boiling is the rapid evaporation of a liquid and occurs when a liquid is heated to its boiling point. Water has a boiling point of 100°C or 212°F, but it can be lower with decreased atmospheric pressure. A method of making water potable is to boil it in order to kill harmful microbes and viruses. Boiled water can also be used for cooking food; be sure to use a pot with a lid to prevent scalding. Boiled water can also be used for other purposes such as disinfecting surfaces, making coffee, and sterilizing utensils. Boiling is a quick and easy way to make sure your food and surfaces are safe and clean.

Distilled water is made by boiling water and then cooling its vapor to return it to its liquid state. This process removes impurities, minerals, and contaminants from the water. Distilled water is the purest type of water you can drink. All types of water – no matter if it comes from a natural spring or tap – may have trace amounts of minerals, bacteria, pesticides, and other contaminants. Distilling water removes more than 99.9% of the minerals dissolved in it. This process also kills any bacteria or viruses that may be present in the water. Drinking distilled water is a good way to make sure you are getting the purest type of water possible.

Don’t rely on stores subject to a shortage. Shop from Aquapap and get access to pure vapor distilled water whenever and wherever you want.

Can you use purified or tap water in your CPAP?

With the recent reported distilled water shortage in many states, those who use CPAP machines to treat their sleep apnea wonder if they can use purified or tap water in their machine instead of using distilled water. While it is possible to use these types of water once in a while, it is important to take care when doing so. Purified water and spring water both contain minerals that lead to the formation of scale, so it is important to clean your CPAP frequently if you use this type of water. Tap water is often treated with chemicals that can also lead to the formation of scale, and moreover tap water may also contain microorganisms that can cause allergic reactions, illness or mold formation. These microorganisms can also cause respiratory infections and therefore it is necessary to use only pure distilled water in a CPAP machine. It is recommended to only use distilled water in your humidifier, as this type of water does not contain any impurities. No matter what type of water you use in your CPAP, it is important to clean your machine regularly to prevent the build-up of scale or accumulation of microbes.

What is mineral build-up?

The mineral build-up is often caused by water that contains high levels of dissolved minerals. This is an issue because it can lead to a decrease in the quality of your water, and it can also cause your appliances to not work as efficiently as they should. Distilled water goes through a distillation process to remove these minerals and impurities, leaving only pure water behind. This process is effective at removing bacteria, calcium, heavy metals, magnesium, and potassium from your water. As a result, distilled water is often a much better option for those who are concerned about mineral buildup in their home appliances or CPAP machines.

How frequently should you clean a CPAP humidifier?

If you have a CPAP machine, you understand how important your therapy is for getting a good night’s sleep. But did you know that it’s just as important to keep your CPAP supplies clean? A build-up of germs, pathogens, allergens, mold, bacteria, and more can lead to serious health problems. That’s why it’s so important to change the water in your CPAP daily and clean your humidifier once a week. You can wash your humidifier a minimum of every week with distilled water after soaking it in a solution of 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water for about 20 minutes. Or you can make the process hands-off by using a CPAP cleaner to eliminate 99% of harmful pathogens without the use of water. Some CPAP humidifiers are dishwasher safe; refer to your product manual to be sure. And don’t forget to replace your humidifier filter according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Generally, they should be replaced every six months. Taking these simple steps will help you breathe easy and sleep soundly knowing your CPAP supplies are clean and ready for use.

Can you use distilled water for steam therapy for the lungs?

Have you ever had a cold or sinus infection that just wouldn’t go away? If so, you know how miserable it can make you feel. One of the most common home remedies for respiratory ills is steam inhalation, also called steam therapy. Steam therapy involves inhaling warm water vapor. According to advocates, the warm, moist air eases mucus accumulated in the airways, throat, and lungs. This may relieve symptoms of inflamed, swollen blood vessels in your nasal passages. While steam inhalation won’t cure an infection, like a cold or the flu, it may help make you feel a lot better while your body fights it off.

Benefits of steam therapy

Breathing in moist, warm steam can have several benefits if you are suffering from nasal congestion or a sinus infection. The steam can help to ease feelings of irritation and swollen blood vessels in the nasal passages. In addition, the moisture in the steam can help to thin out the mucus in your sinuses, making it easier for them to drain. This can provide some much-needed relief from congestion and allow you to breathe more easily. While steam inhalation is not a cure for colds or other respiratory infections, it can provide some short-term relief from symptoms.

Distilled water for steam therapy

The use of steam to clear up nasal congestion and cleanse the lungs is nothing new. But what kind of water should you go with? The safest way would be to ensure that your water has little to no risk of giving you another infection and is free from any type of contaminants and pollutants. Using steam to treat nasal congestion can be very helpful, but only if you use the safest and purest water possible. Distilled water offers an option for those who want its remedy without any risks or side effects associated with other options. Distilled water contains no bacteria and will reduce your risk significantly compared to using other sources like tap water or mineral water because they can have microbes that can cause illness. Distilled water will also save your steam inhaler from mineral deposits, therefore extending its life too. So if you’re considering using steam therapy for your nasal congestion, make sure to go with distilled water for the safest and most effective experience possible.


Ready to take control of your distilled water supply?

With the recent distilled water stock shortage being seen in the news throughout the states, some users are trying to make their own distilled water at home to meet their personal demand. However, the purity of the distilled water made at home can be questionable, it takes time and effort to do it correctly, and it can be tricky to properly store your home-made distilled water stock. With Aquapap, put all your worries aside and forget the news. We ship vapor distilled water throughout the U.S, and there’s no shortage here – our stock is full! Whether you’re at home or on the go, Aquapap will make sure you don’t fall short on your distilled water supply. Stock up now!

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